

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So I generally don't like posting without some kind of picture, it snowed. And it was FREEZING! But I do have to say that I loved this fall, it lasted a long time, snowing at the end of October instead of the beginning. That was a real treat, because I actually got to enjoy the leaves a lot before they all blew away unlike last year when they fell off straight away. So thank you for not snowing till later in the month. I don't even mind it so much this year because it came later like it is supposed too come. The one thing that does bother me a little bit is all the Christmas in all the Stores, BEFORE Halloween, people are going to get sick of Christmas even before it comes. The music is fine, but all the decorations and stuff....I mean Come on! Speaking of Christmas music, whenever I get to this part of year, I always think of my time with Clayton up in Rockdale, and her Christmas music and it makes me smile.
Anyways, so it snowed and for the most part it did stick to the ground, but now it is all melted, it was kinda fun getting out all my winter cloths and my jackets, scarves, etc. I really enjoy my scarves and the main time I get to wear them is during the winter :) So I guess I am actaully looking forward to this Winter you could say...well sorta say.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Life is full of......homework.

School,School, School, that is all that has been on my mind lately. So much is going on with school. I have never had so much homework! It was nice to go to the mission reunion, and see people there. This picture is some of us that were there.

So my roommates and I decided we needed a little bit of a break. We went to a park and had a dinner there one night when we were all pretty bored, we didn't realize that the park didn't have electricity for the pavilion, so we ate in dark! It was really really fun though.
We also went down to St. George, and went to a new frozen place called Krave and spent the night down there. It was a lot of fun. These pics are from the yogurt place and the BBQ at the park.